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St CHAMOND tvl 26.5

2 participants

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St CHAMOND tvl  26.5 Empty St CHAMOND tvl 26.5

Message par tvl 25 tishbi 17/8/2012, 20:12

i have a two piston motor what is the make of the motor?
were can i get spare parts for saint chamond?
it is an aluminiom bloack and one piston is stouck and i need to get a replacement

thank you in advance


tvl 25 tishbi
Nouveau membre

Nombre de messages : 5
Localisation : wine maker
Age : 53
Tracteurs : tvl 25 and /tvl 30
Date d'inscription : 15/08/2012


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St CHAMOND tvl  26.5 Empty Re: St CHAMOND tvl 26.5

Message par domwood 18/8/2012, 13:07

maybe close to tvb25 (irat engine ?)
Grand fan du forum

Nombre de messages : 2992
Localisation : bretagne
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2010

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St CHAMOND tvl  26.5 Empty tvl 25 irat

Message par tvl 25 tishbi 19/8/2012, 12:00

yes i think its that motor but it has no mark on the motor
were can i get spare parts for this amazing motor?

send some addreses for me to look

all the best


tvl 25 tishbi
Nouveau membre

Nombre de messages : 5
Localisation : wine maker
Age : 53
Tracteurs : tvl 25 and /tvl 30
Date d'inscription : 15/08/2012


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St CHAMOND tvl  26.5 Empty Re: St CHAMOND tvl 26.5

Message par domwood 19/8/2012, 12:16

i can't help you more, i don't know about these machines.

main specialists of the forum are on hollidays in august. you should have more answers when everybody's back.

could you please stop with your advertising/commercial link tishbi.com
Grand fan du forum

Nombre de messages : 2992
Localisation : bretagne
Date d'inscription : 05/03/2010

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St CHAMOND tvl  26.5 Empty Re: St CHAMOND tvl 26.5

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